Category: vmware

NSX-v RestAPI to create Distributed Firewall rules with Ansible

My previous post was about creating Ansible modules for NSX-v with Powershell. Today I will show how to skip Powershell and speed up the process significantly. I will do this by using the Ansible uri module and NSX-v RestAPI. Background Making your own Ansible modules with Powershell is pretty neat and cool. The big downside […]

Powershell to write Ansible modules for NSX-v

About a year ago Ansible was still pretty new to me. At some point I got a question if I could automate parts of the NSX-v Distributed Firewall, prefferably with Ansible. So I started roaming the modules and found nothing. Then I roamed the internet and found little. Except for some Python tools, I found […]

Creating uniform portgroups on vSphere Distributed Switch with Ansible

If you are a vSphere administrator managing environments with multiple clusters and vSphere Distributed Switches, then you are probably aware that naming portgroups can sometimes be quite a challenge.Especially when similar portgroups have to exist on more than one vSphere Distributed Switch (VDS), because you can’t have duplicate portgroup names within one vCenter. To avoid […]